Press release in support of Tatta Tom and against the hate campaign targeting LGBTIQ+ people
Last week, the library of Esch/Alzette announced a reading session by Drag Queen artist Tatta Tom for children over the age of 6, aimed to introduce them to the concepts of tolerance and inclusion. The artist has since been the victim of a shameful homophobic hate campaign. We support her in this ordeal. LGBTIQ+ phobia is a monster that doesn’t die. Every day, members of the LGBTIQ+ community, young and old, still face discrimination and hatred. All the organisations that have signed this press release are committed to the fight against this scourge.
Let’s fight for an inclusive world where everyone has their place and let’s refuse hatred collectively.
Amnesty International Luxembourg
Centre pour l’égalité de traitement
CID Fraen an Gender
Commission consultative des Droits de l’Homme
OKAJU, Ombudsman fir Kanner a Jugendlecher
Richtung 22
Rosa Lëtzebuerg
Uni.lu LGBT+ students’ association